Tax Advisory Services
We assess and provide advice on tax risks related to organizations with tax obligations. We have vast industry experience in areas such as energy and natural resources, manufacturing and Fast-Moving Consuming Good (FCMG), financial sector, consumer and industrial markets, tourism and hospitality, health, Information and Communications Technology and Media (ICTM), Infrastructural development and Public Sector (IPS), and real estate.
At ChessLaw Consult, we are dedicated to working closely with you to maximize value for stakeholders at every stage of the transaction cycle.
Our tax advisory services include:

Tax Due Diligence
Our tax due diligence and structuring team has extensive industry and technical experience which allows us to provide quality information that is relevant to decision making on tax issues or deal breakers.
Tax Due Diligence key services:
- Understand the targets of the existing tax structure.
- Understand the expected transaction structure.
- Provide a comprehensive review of the target’s historical income tax and non-income tax compliance and identify any historical tax exposures.
- Analyze current tax reserves for any tax contingencies
- Identify tax deal breakers.
Private Equity/Post Deal Support
At ChessLaw consult, we follow up after the completion of major deals and transactions. Where the transaction involves private equity and venture capital, tax related issues present a formidable challenge, thus, we continually support our clients with our tax advisory services as related to:
- Strategic review of the acquired business
- Assistance with post-merger integration
- Support services in relation to harmonizing the financial position of the combined entity.
- Regulatory issues
- Assistance with compliance and bookkeeping
- Human Resource issues

Corprorate Restructuring
Regardless of the reason for business restructuring, there exist certain tax considerations to be evaluated for a tax efficient restructuring exercise. ChessLaw Consult team assists in restructuring and realigning your business and ensure that maximum value is realized from the most complex situation. We advise on corporate restructurings and reorganizations, including domestic and cross-border mergers and acquisitions, demergers, capital raising, joint ventures and financing structures and permanent establishment issues.
Our restructuring advisory services include:
- Capital structure advisory,
- Liquidity/cash flow analysis,
- Recapitalizations and refinancing,
- Debt restructuring and insolvency advisory
Research and Development (R & D) Tax Relief
We assist our clients in applying for and obtaining the relevant tax reliefs as pertains to R&D which is designed to encourage companies to invest in Research & Development as provided for under the Companies Income Tax Act Cap C21 LFN 2004, as amended by the Companies Income Tax Amendment Act No. 11 of 2007 (CITA) by helping companies to lessen their tax bill or claim payable cash credits as a percentage of their R&D.

Project Feasibility and Financing
On embarking on any project, it is very important that you have a documented plan in place that would assist you in getting the project from the start point to completion. At ChessLaw Consult, we are particular about the entrenched nature and bankability of our feasibility studies and we help provide the requisite contacts to assist in raising funds for any project no matter the complexity or scale.
This is even more important with respect to projects requiring external financing. In this instance, the project plan must be a bankable document that can convince investors to buy into the project.
Tax Structuring of Mergers and Acquisitions Transactions
It is important that the parties to the transaction consider the potential tax considerations that would impact on the deal to minimize tax risks and improve tax efficiency and certainty.
We ensure the business you intend to acquire is a strategic fit for your larger overall business strategy and provide seamless assistance throughout the deal process on various regulatory issues until the deal is consummated.